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leisure tips

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Sightseeing features

Dji 0004

Great Lauter Valley

Take a fascinating journey to the impressive castles, castle ruins and palaces of the region such as the Wartstein ruins, Derneck castle, Maisenburg castle ruins and Hohengundelfingen. Guests who enjoy hiking can expect a fantastic environment and rewarding views, because the Burgenweg leads directly past the Flair Hotel Hirsch. Take the opportunity to explore these historic structures.

Wimsen Cave

The Wimsen Cave, also known as the Friedrich Cave, has a long history that dates back to 1447. It is not only a fascinating natural experience for little cave explorers, because it is the only water cave in Germany that can be driven on. As a special hiking and excursion destination, it lies between Hayingen and Zwiefalten. Hikers can reach the Wimsen Cave via the hiking trail through the Glastal. For the little water rats there is a water playground that invites them to play and run around.

Nopath Kopie


Liebe Gäste,

bitte beachten Sie,
wegen Umbauarbeiten haben wir
vom 20. bis einschließlich 28. Februar 2025 geschlossen.

Ab dem 01. März 2025 freuen wir uns, Sie wieder begrüßen zu dürfen.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

Ihre Familie Kloker und Steinhardt

Dear guests,

we are closed from November 18th
to December 12th, 2024 inclusive.

Please note our opening hours over Christmas:
Closed on December 24th, 2024
Open on December 25th and 26th, 2024 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Table reservation required.

Thank you!